Your home planet is lonely! Journey out among the stars in search of a suitable heavenly mate. Forge and break bonds bonds both physical and emotional to complete your journey.

This is a simple physics based adventure game. You goal is the max out the relationship meter for a suitable planetary mate by carrying gifts between planets. You can swing on a "rope" of gravity which you break at will to hurl yourself between planets.


WASD to get a burst of speed in cardinal directions. There is a 1 second cooldown between bursts, and you have limited fuel. 

Space to disconnect from the gravity rope. 

If you're having trouble getting to different planets, try wrapping yourself around the planet with the gravity rope and disconnecting at the right moment!


Note: HEADPHONE WARNING! We were informed by a couple people that the volume is pretty high, and there isn't currently a way to reduce it in the game. Please be aware.



Reza Ghassemi

Mark Dizon

Laura Raynes

Resource Icons from, under

Sound effects from Kenny Game Assets: , under



Download 72 MB
Spacefling_LINUX.tar.gz 87 MB

Install instructions

For WebGL, just play in the browser. Make sure you have sound!

For Windows:

    1. Extract the .zip file to wherever you'd like the game installed.
    2. Navigate into the extracted folder.
    3. Launch spacefling.exe to play

    You may receive a warning from Windows Defender about the unknown files. This is common with Unity games uploaded to It is safe.

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